• Once you understand the what the beta of a stock is and what it represents from a finance and a risk perspective, the next step is calculating it. Reading the theory behind the beta is important, but at some point actually calculating a stock’s…

  • Most people in history created their livelihood — either by creating income or by actually producing the necessities of life with their own hand and toil — within family or communal units. The idea of working at a job for a larger entity…

  • Every journey begins with a single step. Have you heard of that saying? You’ve probably heard of it and although it might sound cliche, it is extremely insightful. If you don’t have at least $1000 put away you have not taken your first step…

  • Saving money is the first step to financial freedom and wealth, but it is usually not enough. Simply saving money will force your entire financial plan to rely on your ability to earn and save. Investing the money you saved, however, will create…

  • The fallacy of composition is a fundamental fallacy of reasoning or thinking and it arises when we infer that just because something is true of some part of a whole (or every part of a whole), it is also true of the whole.

    Put another…

  • Living below your means is absolutely required if you are to build wealth, gain financial independence, and live a life of dignity. However, too many people fail to live below their means even though they intuitively know that they should do so. Are you…

  • Although we try to live life as wisely as possible, financial emergencies do arise simply because of the unpredictability of life. We might plan, but the best we can really do to protect ourselves from life’s financial emergencies is to have an emergency fund…

  • A stock is a share of ownership in a corporation – buying a stock means buying a piece of ownership in a corporation. However, there’s more to know than just this.

    Shares vs. Stocks
    If you want to speak properly, there’s no such…

  • Although there’s no general legal definition for the term “mutual fund,” a mutual fund generally refers to an investment fund that is professional managed and pools together money from many investors with each investor owning a share of that investment fund. However, let’s…

  • An exchange-traded fund is an investment fund (similar to mutual funds) but can be traded throughout the day with general liquidity (like stocks). In a sense, an ETF combines the best parts of mutual funds and stocks:

    • stocks – high liquidity 
    • mutual funds -…
  • To become an excellent saver over the long term you must get some sort of mental reward from saving – if saving is a difficult process (like resisting eating food when dieting), you might be able to do it for a little while but…

  • An undergraduate degree is a wonderful thing and college or university can be an amazing experience. You’ll learn a great deal, but almost as importantly as your educational experiences in college, you’ll expand your horizons and your mind beyond basic academic pursuits and you’ll…

  • If you’ve had a financial emergency that forced you to dip into your emergency fund, rebuilding it quickly is crucial to your financial success, even though it might seem like a difficult and unpleasant task. Read the article below to get motivated and…

  • To be successful and to live a life of dignity and self-respect, every independent adult who is of sound mind must live below his  or her means. Living above your means is just unsustainable. Living at your means might work, but it isn’t enough.

  • Follow the 4 easy steps below to have a prosperous and successful marriage and to put your new household on the path to financial success.
    1. Wait A Year Before Purchasing a House
    If you don’t already own a house…

  • It seems that in most things in life that we try, we quit right before the big payoff. Just like a tiny plant that is about to break the surface of the Earth, our life is about to change but we seem to get…

  • Today, if you live in the developed world, you have unprecedented financial flexibility that will allow you to get your hands on cash very quickly – unlike most of human history. So, do you still need a rainy day fund in the 21st…

  • We’ve been told (especially millennials) that we are in control of our lives – that we can achieve literally anything we desire as long as we put in the right effort. If we try hard enough, we are told, we can achieve anything.

    First, I…

  • Are you planning to have a baby? Did you already have a baby? Below are 8 essential things you must do after your baby is born – do them and set yourself up for financial success and tranquility. 

    1. Pick a Guardian in…

  • Are you a typical investor? Research shows that the average investor in the United States significantly underperforms when compared to broad indexes such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (Dow Jones) or the Standard and Poors 500 Index (S&P 500). Read the article…

  • Once you’ve accumulated your 3-month to 6-month emergency fund you will need a place to put it. Where should you keep your emergency fund? There are actually 3 places you should keep your emergency fund for optimal protection and efficiency. Read the article…

  • You need an emergency or rainy day fund to protect you against all of life’s unpredictabilities. But saving up 3-months to 6-months of living expenses can be a difficult and tedious task, one that can be so discouraging that you give up altogether. To…

  • I love infographics – they can represent interesting and useful data in ways that are easy to understand. Sometimes, the very good infographics can provide you with very useful insight very quickly. The above image is a map but it is also a…

  • Scarcity is a fundamental principle in economics that lies at the bedrock of the elegant social science. Scarcity in economics refers to the limitations inherent in our world and universe. We live in a scarce world. There are finite amounts of all…

  • Investing is one of the best ways to grow and preserve your wealth, but you shouldn’t start investing unless you’ve done the 7 things below. Read the article below to find out how to create a proper foundation before you being investing. 

  • You know you need an emergency fund in place, but do you know why? All of the financial media says you should have a rainy day fund in place, but few discuss the reasons for such a recommendation. It might seem obvious, but…

  • Economics, at its core, is about answering three elegant but important questions. They lie at the foundation of the subject and must be answered by every nation on Earth. Read the lengthy article to find out what the three questions are and to get…

  • For my first foray into purchasing Bitcoin I decided to go with Coinbase. Coinbase is a Bitcoin wallet that also provides Bitcoin trading services and APIs for developers related to Bitcoin.

    I chose Coinbase for primarily one reason – because it seems to be the…

  • Drawn in Paris and dated November 20, 1869, Charles Joseph Minard’s Figurative Map of the Successive Losses in Men of the French Army in the Russian Campaign of 1812 is known by information scientists and data scientists as one of the greatest (if…

  • Online savings accounts have been around for about a decade and provide a solid alternative to traditional savings accounts. You should have a 3 to 6 month emergency fund at minimum and you need to keep that emergency fund…

  • The most basic question that one can probably ask regarding all things finance, economics, and money is “What is money?” We all know that a US Dollar Bill or a Euro is considered money, but most people have never really given thought to…

  • This is a topic that’s been covered by every financial blog, podcast, book, or show, but we’ve got to cover it here as part of the basics because a proper emergency fund is a basic necessity to financial well-being and financial health and I…

  • I wrote about Bitcoin previously. You can see my original article here. I have learned more about Bitcoin and more about investing, and I have been able to look at Bitcoin through a different lens since writing that…

  • ​The common financial rule of thumb says that you should have 3 to 6 months of living expenses in your emergency fund. But what does “living expenses” actually mean? To calculate your monthly living expenses, you need to combine the amount needed to…

  • What is investing? You know the word, but do you really know what it means? Are you investing or are you speculating? Knowing what investing really means and what constitutes investing (as opposed to speculation) might help you better wade through the many options…

  • In The 48 Laws of Power, Robert Greene takes the reader on a spectacular journey throughout history, stopping at a plethora of interesting destinations to demonstrate the use (or lack of use) of his 48 Laws.

    The books roughly follow a basic pattern:

    1. Discuss the…
  • Here are the notes I took from a lecture on presentation fundamentals during my first year in grad school. The lecture was given by a professor who has a Ph.D. in English literature as well as an MBA and who is somewhat of…

  • We all know (or should know) that having an emergency fund is crucial to successful financial planning. Having a rainy day fund is one of the first things people should do when controlling their finances.

    An emergency fund, although part of your overall…

  • Many people think that saving money and investing it is hard. They feel that saving is on the opposite spectrum of fun and involves scrimping, denying yourself, and harsh self-discipline. Saving does apply self-discipline and can be challenging at times (especially for those…

  • The Law of Demand can be represented by the following graph – a downward sloping line with Price (P) and Quantity (Q) on the axes.

    Law of Demand

    The Law of Demand states that Ceteris Paribus,…

  • Have you heard the saying “More isn’t always better” before? That’s not true according to economists. An underlying assumption in economics is that, for goods (as opposed to bads), more is always better.

    Why is this true?  There are two things we can consider: (1)…

  • We all know (or should know) that buying a lottery ticket is truly a waste of money in the formal sense of the concept. Your chances of winning are likely less than your chances of getting struck by lighting. Even with an enormous jackpot,…

  • The United States Men’s National Soccer Team allows modern Americans to feel something very unusual yet something I find very profound and useful: We get to feel like the scrappy underdog clawing our way to the top.

    For most of the twentieth century and the…

  • Sequential stock screening involves reducing the universe of stocks to a manageable size. For example, sequential stock screening might involve reducing all US publicly-traded stock to 10 stocks for use in a portfolio by eliminating stocks, one by one, based on filtration criteria (usually with…

  • Ever since I took my first economics course as a freshman in college, I fell in love with the field. As I continued my studies, both in the classroom and outside of it, my love for economics  increased.

    I am not sure why I am…