• If you’ve had a financial emergency that forced you to dip into your emergency fund, rebuilding it quickly is crucial to your financial success, even though it might seem like a difficult and unpleasant task. Read the article below to get motivated and…

  • To be successful and to live a life of dignity and self-respect, every independent adult who is of sound mind must live below his  or her means. Living above your means is just unsustainable. Living at your means might work, but it isn’t enough.

  • Are you planning to have a baby? Did you already have a baby? Below are 8 essential things you must do after your baby is born – do them and set yourself up for financial success and tranquility. 

    1. Pick a Guardian in…

  • What is investing? You know the word, but do you really know what it means? Are you investing or are you speculating? Knowing what investing really means and what constitutes investing (as opposed to speculation) might help you better wade through the many options…

  • The Law of Demand can be represented by the following graph – a downward sloping line with Price (P) and Quantity (Q) on the axes.

    Law of Demand

    The Law of Demand states that Ceteris Paribus,…